Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Makeover....and much more

Have you ever thought about taking a different path in your life?  Perhaps changing your job or retiring....or starting your own business......or moving.......well.....have you??  I have.  And I want to share with you how one room makeover is helping me make a change. 

Welcome to A SIMPLE BLUE ROOM and how my life is evolving into the one I've always wanted.

A month or so ago, I had one of my chicks leave the nest (again LOL!) and I claimed the empty bedroom.  You see, I am an ARTIST at heart....always have been.  My family teases that the only craft or art medium I haven't tried yet is welding!  (It's true.)  This room was going to be my 'craft room/art studio' and I was so excited to start planning it.  But FIRST, there was just a bit of work to do......

It was dark gray with black trim......with a thousand holes in the wall from hanging pictures, posters, speakers & guitars.  A daunting task lay ahead to repair and repaint, but my biggest supporter (The Hubs) helped me jump in and get started.

Spackled, retextured and the primer cut in.  Note that even the ceiling is gray..........It took a few weekends and evenings but we managed it and I couldn't be happier!!  Here are the shots on the day I began to move in. 

 The desks & chair are from Ikea.  I have an L-shaped craft table on one wall which accommodates my computer with a rolling cart and printer within reach.

 We took the doors off the closet and put in two small shelving units, also from Ikea.  The magazine boxes (Ikea!!) hold my scrapping magazines, knitting patterns, artwork ideas, etc.  A few of my albums are on the bottom shelf.

 Just to the right of the L-shaped desk is another cart for my Cricut machine and a few (and I mean just a FEW) of all the doo-dads I use in my work.

 The right hand side of the L-desk where I can scrap, paint, cut & paste. 

 I have stuffed every nook and cranny, as you can see.  These red fabric trunks I found at Marshall's and they contain all my chipboard albums, cardboard and a book binder.

 On the wall directly behind my computer desk is a smaller desk for the sewing machine.  I have never had a dedicated place to sew - I always commandeered the kitchen table LOL!

These drawers are stuffed with scrapping & craft supplies.  They are modular cubes that I purchased at Michael's & put together.  Would you believe I need more???  Yes, of course you would, if you are a crafter LOL!

So that is what it looked like the first week I was in the room.  Please stop back again for an update on the room as it is today.  After working in it for a month, I have made changes to simplify my working process.  Thanks for coming by and I look forward to sharing with you the way this room is helping me become my Authentic Self.  Have you found ways to do that for yourself?  I would love to hear of YOUR journey.


  1. You know I'm bookmarking you! :) Love ya!

  2. Lovely! Just found your blog!

    I know this post is older, but I'm a sucker for makeovers! Well done!
